Toute plate et parfaitement aménagée avec 138 km de pistes cyclables, l’Ile de Ré est un petit coin de paradis pour les cyclistes. Que vous soyez amateur de performance, ou cyclotouriste en balade, vous trouverez le parcours qui vous convient ! Découvrez tous nos conseils pour préparer au mieux votre balade à vélo sur l’Ile de Ré !
L’Ile de Ré : le paradis pour une balade à vélo !
Popular among the local population and tourists, cycling is a transport solution that goes hand in hand with the preservation of the island, and offers many advantages:
- The bridge is free!
Pedestrians and cyclists do not need to pay the ecotax for the preservation of the island on the Ile de Ré bridge. Add to this a breathtaking view of the whole northern part of the island: a successful crossing! - 138 km of bicycle paths: a great playground!
As a symbolic object of the island, the bicycle has its place in the development of the territory. So you can get lost in the meanders of the tracks, whether it is to go along the coast or to join two villages! - A flat island !
The Ile de Ré lies on a vast plain. Except for the winds of the Atlantic coast, there are no obstacles on the horizon! You don't need to be a great sportsman to ride for miles! However, off-road enthusiasts can also have a great time riding through the woods and dunes (where it is allowed, of course!). - Because bikes and cyclists are part of the island's charm!
Putting the groceries from the market in your basket, seeing a group of cyclists spinning between the vineyards, admiring the contrast of a bike with the white walls of the alleys or its shadow on the sand while its owner gets out of the water... that's what biking on the Ile de Ré is all about!
The tour of the Ile de Ré by bike: a collection of landscapes!
You want to see all the villages of the island at your own pace? The blue sky gives you a sudden desire to ride all day long? Then take a bike tour of the Ile de Ré and change of landscape as you go along!
From the narrow white streets of the villages, colored with hollyhocks, to the dunes, you will cross the bright green rows of vines, the woods with the smell of pines, and the salt marshes, ideal place to observe the reflections of a sunset as well as the fauna and the flora of the island! If you wish to learn more about the places of your walk, do not hesitate to consult our itineraries!
Why rent a bike?
The advantage of flexibility!
First of all, because on the Ile de Ré, bike rental companies are legion: every village without exception has at least one! No need to cross the island to start your ride! Unlike other activities where a reservation may be necessary, it is unlikely that all the bikes on the island are running at the same time! So, you can wait until the last minute to know if the weather will be good to rent your bike! Renting will also save you from the not always easy logistics of transporting and storing your bikes. By choosing to rent, you will travel light!
An original experience!
Even if you are used to taking your bicycle on vacation, renting it is still an interesting way to try a new cycle! Tandem, tricycle, and even Grand Bi... on the Ile de Ré, the bicycle is present in all forms and colors!
For a stroll in the vintage areas, go for a beach bike or a Dutch bike. For a more sportive or original ride, go for the segway, the trotiscoot, the electric scooter, the mountain bike or the Fat Bikes! And with cargo bikes and trailers, your children and pets can be part of the trip!
Our tips for safe riding
Every year, road accidents involving cyclists unfortunately occur on the island. Therefore, it is imperative to follow these basic tips to ensure your safety and that of other road users, whether they are cyclists or motorists.
- I choose my bike carefully (size, maximum speed, stability…) according to my abilities
- I check my equipment before leaving (helmet, lighting, bell, vest, …). To learn more about the mandatory accessories, click here.
- I prefer to use the bicycle paths when possible (and on the Ile de Ré, it is almost always possible!)
- Even on the bike path, I try to keep a straight trajectory
- I pay particular attention to intersections between roads and bike paths
So you know everything you need for a great ride! Have a good trip!